General Terms
- MatchingLink B.V. is a limited liability company incorporated under Dutch law (trade registry number 58890351).
- These general terms apply to all legal relations with MatchingLink.
- Any information, presentation or software provided by MatchingLink is made exclusively for internal use of the recipient (the “Recipient”), to serve as a basis for discussion and for internal testing purposes.
- Any information, presentation or software provided is incomplete without reference to, and should be viewed solely in conjunction with, an oral briefing provided by MatchingLink.
- By accepting any information, presentation or software, the Recipient agrees to keep strictly confidential the information contained therein.
- All information, presentations and software are proprietary to MatchingLink and may not be reproduced, distributed or disclosed to any third party or used for any other purpose without the prior written consent of MatchingLink.
- While reasonable care has been taken to ensure that information provided by MatchingLink is not untrue or misleading at the time of presentation to the Recipient, MatchingLink makes no representation that the information contained therein is accurate or complete.
- Neither MatchingLink nor any of its officers or employees accepts any liability for any loss arising from any use of any information, presentation or software or any further written or oral information made available to the Recipient or its advisers. MatchingLink shall not be liable for any direct or indirect or consequential damages related to the use or the inability to use the software provided by MatchingLink, including but not limited to any miscalculation, loss of business, revenues, profits or goodwill, loss of data, or any type of loss or damage suffered by the Recipient as a result of an action brought by a third party.
- The legal relationship with MatchingLink is governed by Dutch law. Any dispute shall be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.